Press Releases

ICYMI: Senate Majority Leader Schumer Declares Voting Rights Bill Fight Has Only Just Begun

Jul 09, 2021

Schumer: “Last month’s vote represented the starting gun—not the finish line—in our fight to protect our democracy.” 

Today in a Dear Colleague letter, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) further emphasized his dedication to moving forward comprehensive voting rights and anti-corruption legislation as a crucial priority.

“Our fight to protect voting rights has also only just begun. Last month, all fifty Senate Democrats united for the first time this Congress to move forward on a strong and comprehensive voting rights bill. Shamefully, Republicans refused to even allow a debate on voting rights legislation.”

In his letter, Leader Schumer stated that last month’s vote on the For the People Act marks just the starting point in the fight to strengthen our democracy. Schumer had previously set an August deadline to pass the bill.

“But I want to be very clear: last month’s vote represented the starting gun—not the finish line—in our fight to protect our democracy. Later this month, Senator Klobuchar will hold a field hearing in Georgia to further examine the disgraceful tactics that Republican-led state legislatures are using across the country to keep people from voting.”

The For the People Act is critical legislation that would return power from corporate special interests to everyday Americans by getting dark money out of politics, protecting the right to vote for all Americans, and cracking down on corruption in both parties.

Click here to read the full letter
