Press Releases

Justice Thomas’ Quid Pro Quo with Extremist Billionaires Slammed by End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund

Dec 18, 2023

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund President Tiffany Muller released the following statement on ProPublica’s report on the financial compensation Justice Clarence Thomas received from billionaire extremists in order to keep him on the Supreme Court: 

“Justice Clarence ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Thomas clearly struck a corrupt bargain with far-right billionaires: if they showered him with lavish gifts, he would stay on the Supreme Court and advance their extremist agenda. The return on investment has been great for his benefactors, but detrimental for the American people. He grossly traded the American people’s rights to pad his own pockets. This damning new evidence further proves that Justice Thomas must resign and Congress must take action to reign in this corruption.”

A sample of Justice Thomas’ Corruption:
