Press Releases

Kristina Karamo is Part of A Conspiracy Theorist Group Running to Sabotage Elections

Jun 02, 2022

Karamo is too obsessed with her crazy conspiracies to be trusted to run Michigan elections

A new report from The Daily Beast outlined how a group of dangerous conspiracy theorists are running for Secretary of State in key states across the country to sabotage future elections for their political allies. The group is led by QAnon influencer Wayne Willott, who has supported and propped up conspiracy theorist candidates running for Secretary of State.

So far, Kristina Karamo, the GOP candidate for Michigan Secretary of State, is the only conspiracy theorist associated with this group to have a guaranteed spot on the ballot in November.

Karamo’s involvement with this extremist group is further proof that she cannot be trusted to run Michigan elections. She is too focused on her partisan, biased, conspiracy-driven agenda to run safe and secure elections in Michigan.

Key points from The Daily Beast article:

Will Sommer

  • The group that emerged from that meeting, the America First Secretary of State Coalition, now stands poised to have its candidates win offices in key battleground states. One of the group’s candidates, Kristina Karamo, has already won the Republican nomination for the position in Michigan. Another candidate, 2020 election denier and Arizona state representative Mark Finchem, has won Trump’s endorsement and looks set to win his state’s primary as well. If victorious in the general election, both candidates could play a key role in how electoral votes from their states are allotted in 2024.

  • “If one of these candidates in the future gets elected, there is a QAnon influencer that could help lead to a constitutional crisis,” said Alex Kaplan, a Media Matters for America senior researcher who has reported on Willott’s political efforts.

  • On May 1, 2021, Willott and Marchant formalized their Secretary of State coalition with a meeting in Las Vegas of roughly 40 people. According to Marchant, attendees included founder Patrick Byrne, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, and former Claremont Institute president Brian E. Kennedy.

  • But the real revelation about Willott’s sway on the right came at another event at the conference, where it became clear that Willott is held in great esteem by the Secretary of State hopefuls. At the QAnon convention, California Secretary of State hopeful Rachel Hamm, seated alongside Finchem, Karamo, and Marchant, cited Willott’s predictions about a future prison for top Democrats in Guantanamo Bay.
