Press Releases

Let America Vote and End Citizens United Action Funds’ Statement on the HEROES Act

May 12, 2020

Let America Vote and End Citizens United Action Funds President Tiffany Muller released the following statement on the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act (HEROES Act), a $3 trillion stimulus bill introduced in the House today to address the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, including providing $3.6 billion in election preparedness funding for States to use for contingency planning, preparation and the resilience of elections: 

“Americans should never have to choose between their health and their right to vote. We are grateful that House Democrats, led by Speaker Pelosi, came together to propose the HEROES Act, a coronavirus relief package that includes $3.6 billion in vitally needed funding for election safety and preparedness. Safe, free and fair elections are essential to a functioning democracy. States need this funding to protect voters’ health and provide options to access to the ballot without risk to them or their families. President Trump, Senator McConnell and the Republican-controlled Senate’s attempts to limit voting rights is nothing but a shameful ploy to disenfranchise Americans across the country. We urge Congress to put aside partisan politics in the face of this pandemic and pass this bill.”
