Press Releases

Maryland Matt Rosendale Joins Washington Neighbors In Lying About Anti-Corruption Bill

Sep 25, 2020

As Republicans desperately ramp up false attacks on H.R 1, multiple fact checks have debunked their lies

Maryland Matt Rosendale, who moved to Montana a few years ago only to launch his political career, has joined his neighbors in Washington, DC in lying about Kathleen Williams’ support of the For the People Act (H.R. 1).

Here are the facts about H.R. 1:

  • H.R. 1 is the largest anti-corruption, voting rights and ethics reform bill in a generation.

  • The bill aims to reduce corporate PAC and super PACs’ influence over our elections by providing a 6-1 match for small dollar donations ($200 or less) to eligible candidates who satisfy certain requirements.

  • These programs would be paid for by “Freedom From Influence Fund” under the U.S. Treasury which would collect funds from corporations exposed for malfeasance, not taxpayers. And no taxpayer funds will ever be used for the program.

  • Using campaign dollars for personal expenses is already illegal under federal law, and H.R. 1 doesn’t change that.

Here are the facts about Kathleen Williams and Matt Rosendale:

  • Williams rejects corporate PAC money. Rosendale gladly accepts it.

  • While Williams is building a people-powered campaign, Rosendale has the backing of Club for Growth, a conservative dark money group that has poured millions into supporting his campaigns.

  • Williams has made rooting out corruption in Washington a top priority. Rosendale has railed against anti-corruption legislation and cozied up to Big Pharma instead of prioritizing Montanans’ interests.

“Maryland Matt Rosendale and his Republican neighbors in Washington are so desperate they’re forced to resort to lying,” said End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller. “These pathetic attacks don’t undermine the facts. Kathleen Williams doesn’t advocate for a taxpayer funded campaign system because that doesn’t even exist. Instead, she’s rejecting corporate PAC money, building a people-powered campaign and making anti-corruption a top priority. Montanans have a proud tradition of supporting good government and will see straight through Rosendale’s lies.”
