Press Releases

Meet Today’s Dark Money Group Trying to Stop Student Loan Relief: Americans for Prosperity

Feb 22, 2023

The same extremist dark money groups who pushed to give corporate America a $2 trillion tax handout are also going after President Biden’s historic student loan relief program. Their MAGA agenda is far out of step with the American people.

One of those groups is Americans for Prosperity Foundation.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a dark money group that has spent millions to cheer on Trump’s tax cuts for wealthy corporations, destroy labor unions, and helped stack the judiciary with hyper-conservative justices.

Their fight against working Americans doesn’t stop there. Americans for Prosperity is attacking students by influencing courts to block this historic one-time student loan debt relief. AFP’s super PAC was the 8th largest outside spender in the 2022 midterms, spending $69 million to elect politicians who would protect their wealthy corporate donors. With the Supreme Court set to hear arguments over student debt forgiveness on February 28th, AFP signed onto an amicus brief in opposition to the relief program. At the same time they are attacking measures to support millions of working Americans who live in crippling debt, AFP has spent millions to benefit their billionaire and corporate allies.

This is the extremist dark money apparatus’ playbook: Billionaires and corporations fund shady groups to overturn policies that will help working people in order to boost their bottom lines.
