Press Releases

Mike Rogers is a Corporate Sellout

Sep 06, 2023

In response to Mike Rogers’ Senate bid announcement, End Citizens United (ECU) // Let America Vote (LAV) Vice President of Political Affairs Chintan Patel issued the following statement:

“Florida man Mike Rogers represents the worst of Washington’s corporate influence problem. During his tenure in Congress, he took over $5 million from corporate special interests and served as a reliable vote and mouthpiece for them. He protected industries like Big Pharma as they gouged Michigan families on life-saving prescription drugs to secure record profits. In return, the same companies that funded his campaigns placed him on their board of directors once he left Congress. Rogers embodies the corrupt pay-to-play politics that Michiganders despise. We’ll make sure voters are aware of the danger this corporate sellout poses to their interests.

“Unlike Rogers, Elissa Slotkin has never taken a dime of corporate PAC money, proving that she is only accountable to Michigan families. She’s been leading the charge to ban corporate PACs from buying access and influence in the halls of Congress so that government works for everyone, not just wealthy political donors. The contrast in this race is day and night.”
