Press Releases

Mike Rogers Worked to Change Washington to Benefit Himself—Not Working Families

Aug 12, 2024

End Citizens United Spokesperson Grace Silva released the following statement in response to Michigan Republican Senate candidate Mike Rogers’ new ad in which he unironically states he will take on big corporations and fight to change Washington to put Michigan families first—despite his record doing the exact opposite:

“Now that Mike Rogers is back from Florida, he wants to talk about taking on corporations and working for families when, the truth is that he used his time in Washington to enrich himself and his corporate donors. In office, he cozied up to big corporations—taking $5 million dollars in corporate PAC money—and advanced their agenda at Michiganders’ expense.

“Rogers then left Michigan as soon as he could, moved to Florida, and passed through the revolving door to make millions to do the bidding of corporations. He sold out Michiganders and cannot be trusted.”

Mike Rogers’ record has demonstrated that he only ever looks out for himself and his bottom line. In Congress, he protected lobbyists by voting against transparency and accountability legislation, all to later walk through the revolving door to work for Big Corporations. He voted to protect Big Oil companies as well, including working to safeguard billions in tax breaks for the industry, over and over again. He defended Big Pharma’s price gouging, voting against lowering drug costs for Michiganders while taking their money.

Recently, he renewed calls to extend Trump’s corporate tax giveaway, which slashed rates for large corporations and the ultra-wealthy, and even give corporations bigger tax cuts. If Rogers is elected, there’s no doubt that Michigan families would see their own taxes rise while the wealthy elite avoid high costs.
