The ad will air on national cable television from July 24 – July 30
End Citizens United (ECU) today announced that it launched a new national ad encouraging Americans to call their senators and tell them to reject Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. The ad, titled “Hold,” spotlights the threat that Kavanaugh poses to our campaign finance system, health care, and a woman’s right to choose. The ad, which airs on national cable television, starts as a $350,000 buy and will run from July 24 through July 30.
“Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court threatens the well-being of millions of Americans and the future of our democracy,” said ECU President Tiffany Muller. “The American people deserve a justice who will side with them and protect their rights — not sell them out to Big Money special interests. We’re generating a groundswell of grassroots support to pressure the Senate to reject Kavanaugh’s nomination, and we’ll hold them accountable.”
Click here to watch the ad.

According to a recent Daily Beast/Ipsos poll, the role of money in politics is the number one concern for a majority of Americans as Trump considered his Supreme Court nominee, a finding that was mirrored in a Navigator Research poll. The results echo a poll conducted by ECU last year, which showed that a majority of voters were more likely to oppose a nominee who would continue to allow corporations and special interests to use money to gain influence and drown out the voices of individuals in politics.
ECU has been active and engaged in the battle over the future of the Supreme Court. It has already begun mobilizing its grassroots members to pressure their senators, attend rallies, write letters to the editors, and has joined a coalition of progressive groups led by Demand Justice and NARAL to oppose Kavanaugh. In 2016, ECU was the first progressive group in the country to go up with a television ad buy calling for a hearing on Judge Merrick Garland’s nomination. The $1.2 million buy targeted senators in three states for refusing a hearing. ECU also played a crucial role in the fight against Judge Gorsuch’s nomination. The group participated in a six figure digital ad campaign urging Republicans not to change the Senate rules; launched a nationwide ‘call your senator’ campaign; created a hub where members could take action; joined The People’s Defense, a coalition of some of the largest grassroots groups in the country that united efforts to oppose him; and joined partners to deliver a petition with more than one million signatures to every Senate office.
Click here for supporting information for “Hold.”
Full script:
VO: We hold these truths to be self-evident.
VO: That all of us are created equal…
VO: …until we became one nation…under Trump.
VO: These truths are self-evident…
VO: Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court endangers protections for people with pre-existing health conditions.
VO: Puts a woman’s right to choose gravely at risk.
VO: And threatens to continue selling out America to powerful corporate interests.
VO: We hold these truths to be self-evident.
VO: And we will hold our Senators accountable.
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