End Citizens United touts Slokin’s commitment to rejecting corporate PAC money, national security experience
Ads will run from May 30 – June 13
End Citizens United (ECU) today unveiled its first digital ad supporting Elissa Slotkin in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District. The ad, titled “That’s Elissa,” highlights Slotkin’s commitment to rejecting corporate PAC money, as well as her background as a national security leader.
“Elissa’s business and national security experience, combined with her commitment to putting people ahead of Washington special interests makes her a uniquely strong candidate to represent families in Michigan,” said ECU President Tiffany Muller. “She’ll fight to unrig the system on behalf of everyday Michiganders so that Washington focuses on all of us, not only big political donors. We’ll continue to get the word out about Elissa, and we look forward to helping her win in November.”
The ad, targeting moderate and Democratic women, will run from May 30 through June 13.

Click here for supporting information for “That’s Elissa.”
Full script below:
VO: That’s Elissa Slotkin. She’s running for Congress in Michigan’s 8th district. And she’s doing things differently.
Elissa’s not taking corporate special interest money. So she can focus on real people, not big money donors.
VO: She should know. Elissa grew up on her grandfather’s farm, and she’s a small business owner in Holly.
VO: She served three tours in combat zones in Iraq after 9/11…
VO: She was a top official in the Defense Department…
VO: …and proudly worked for presidents from both parties.
VO: Elissa Slotkin will stand up for Michigan over Washington special interests.
End Citizens United is dedicated to getting Big Money out of politics and fixing the rigged system in Washington so it works for all Americans. It is working to elect members of Congress who will fight to overturn Citizens United and pass meaningful reforms. End Citizens United has over three million members, including 5,600 in MI-08, and is entirely grassroots-funded with an average donation of just $14.
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