Press Releases

New ECU Ad Featuring Tim Sample: Senator Susan Collins Has Changed

Jun 16, 2020

The ad features Tim Sample, a high-profile humorist with deep roots in Maine

Money changes everything, even Susan Collins

Today, End Citizens United (ECU) launched a new ad in Maine as part of the group’s $2 million ad campaign. The ad, which features Maine’s Tim Sample, a high-profile humorist, exposes Senator Collins for being beholden to Big Pharma and Wall Street.

Titled “She’s Changed,” the ad reveals that Senator Collins has taken $2.6 million from Big Pharma and Wall Street and voted for a $94 billion tax break for those industries.

“After 23 years in the Senate and collecting the most corporate PAC money in Maine history, no one is buying Senator Collins’ claims that she’s an independent,” said End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller. “Collins proved this when she voted to give corporate special interest donors a $94 billion tax break while Mainers saw their taxes go up.

“We’re grateful to have Tim Sample serve as a voice for our members in Maine, and we’re excited to partner with him highlighting Senator Collins’ reliance on Big Money.”

In addition to the Tim Sample ad, ECU also released a new ad titled “Promised,” which reveals that Collins has taken over $1.5 million from the Big Drug and Insurance Industries, helping her win the record for taking the most corporate PAC money in Maine’s history.

Full Script:
Tim Sample: 

We Mainers tend to elect folks that are not beholden to special interests.

We call that “independent as a hog on ice.” But lately, Susan Collins is anything but independent. She’s changed.

The pharmaceutical industry and Wall Street gave Susan Collins $2.6 million.

She voted for $94 billion in tax breaks for big pharma and Wall Street.

That’s taxpayer money. Worth thinking about when you vote this November.

End Citizens United is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Unlike dark money groups, ECU is entirely transparent and every penny is disclosed with the Federal Election Commission. Unlike Super PACs, ECU is entirely grassroots-funded with an average contribution of $14.
