Press Releases

NY-11 Debate: Rep. Max Rose Delivered on His Promises While Nicole Malliotakis Sold Out New Yorkers

Oct 15, 2020

Congressman Rose refuses corporate PAC and federal lobbyist money

Malliotakis has taken $164,000 from corporate PACs and corporations

Congressman Max Rose took on fraud and friend to corporate PACs Nicole Malliotakis for the first debate in New York’s 11th Congressional District. Congressman Rose was part of the reform-focused freshman class of 2018, and has not only made taking on corruption a top priority of his re-election campaign, but delivered on his promises to rid Washington of corruption in office.

“Max Rose meant it when he told corporate PACs to ‘keep their damn money’ and kept his promise in Washington as one of the leaders taking charge to fight for anti-corruption reforms,” said End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller. “Nicole Malliotakis is nothing but a fraud who has time and again sold New Yorkers out for a payday. She’s taken tens of thousands from corporate special interests and would vote their way in Congress. Congressman Rose has made anti-corruption reform a top priority and will continue fighting for New Yorkers, not corporate special interests.”

Nicole Malliotakis has taken $165,000 from corporate PACs and corporations and is a former corporate lobbyist herself who will only perpetuate the revolving door between Congress and lobbying firms. She has supported corporate special interests’ bottom line in office, and now is asking for a promotion. Congressman Rose won this battleground district in 2018 by putting New Yorkers’ interests first and rejecting corporate PAC money. He’s kept his promise and has doubled-down on cleaning up Washington.

Here are a few highlights of legislation Congressman Rose has passed to root out corruption in Washington and make government work for New Yorkers:

  • For The People Act (H.R.1): The most sweeping anti-corruption, voting rights, and ethics reform legislation in a generation. It would expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of Big Money in politics, increase transparency, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants.

  • The Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3): This bill would force Big Pharma to stop ripping off South Carolinians. It would grant Medicare new powers to negotiate annual prices for the 250 most expensive drugs on the market. It also makes the lower drug prices negotiated by Medicare available to New Yorkers with private insurance. And it stops drug companies from ripping off New York while charging other countries less for the same drugs.

  • Voting Rights and Advancement Act (H.R. 4): This bill protects voters from disenfranchisement in states with a history of voter suppression and requires preclearance by the Department of Justice or U.S. District Court before changes can be enforced.

  • Crack Down on Dark Money Act (H.R.7525): This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to prohibit 501(c)(4) entities from using more than 10% of total expenditures on certain political expenditures.

  • Lobbyist Loophole Closure Act (H.R. 783): Rose sponsored this bill that expands the scope of lobbying activities to include legislative, political, and strategic lobbying services that trigger lobbyist registration and disclosure requirements.

  • Ban Corporate PACs Act (H.R. 5129): Rose sponsored this bill that limits the authority of corporations to establish and operate separate funds utilized for political purposes, including the establishment or operation of a political committee

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