Press Releases

Rep. Rodney Davis Touts Leadership but Repeatedly Voted Against Transparency and Oversight That Would Protect Illinois’ Small Businesses

Sep 17, 2020

Rep. Rodney Davis released an ad this week touting his “leadership” and support for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), claiming to have helped Illinois’ small businesses throughout the pandemic. What the ad failed to mention was Davis’ continued fight against key oversight policies that would have protected small business owners and taxpayers from corporations and larger businesses abusing the program. This includes Davis’ vote opposing the TRUTH Act, which ensured transparency and accountability for the loan program.

“Congressman Davis has continuously demonstrated partiality to his corporate donors and special interests, leaving Illinois families and small businesses to fend for themselves,” said End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller. “Davis calls himself a leader, but Illinois families should know the truth — while small businesses struggle to keep up with bills, Davis has given in to big businesses by opposing key transparency guidelines that would prevent corrupt, backroom deals that benefit corporations, not Illinois’ small businesses.”

Davis has been consistently opposed to efforts that would increase transparency and accountability of taxpayer dollars in the COVID relief packages. In April, Davis voted against the formation of a House committee to oversee relief spending and to recover money taken by large corporations that should have never received the money. Davis has taken over $3.4 million from corporate PACs over his career, including $790,000 in the 2020 cycle alone. Meanwhile, his opponent, Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, is building a grassroots movement and rejects corporate PAC money. Illinois families can trust that she will only work in their best interests, not that of big donors or special interest groups.
