Press Releases

Senator Michael Bennet Receives an A+ on Anti-Corruption and Voting Rights Scorecard

May 10, 2022

Bennet rejects corporate PAC money and supported once-in-a-generation anti-corruption and voting rights legislation

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund (ECU // LAV), a leading anti-corruption and voting rights group with over 4 million members nationwide, released its legislative scorecard for the 117th Congress. The scorecard grades members of Congress on their support for important anti-corruption and voting rights measures Congress has considered in the past year and a half.

Because of his commitment to rooting out corruption in Washington, limiting the power lobbyists have in Congress, preventing election sabotage, protecting the freedom to vote, ending dark money, and stopping egregious partisan gerrymandering that denies voters fair and equal representation, Senator Bennet received an A+ from ECU // LAV. Bennet refuses to accept money from corporate PACs, so he is only accountable to the people he represents. And this past session, he supported doing whatever it took to pass legislation that would ensure every American could make their voices heard and have their votes counted in our elections, including supporting the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act and the necessary rules changes to pass the bill.

“For too long, dark money has flooded and overwhelmed our political system. Billionaire and corporate backed groups have pushed policies that favor their wealthy donors at the expense of hard-working Americans. That’s why we are so grateful for Senator Bennet, who’s stood up to the rich and powerful dark money groups that have too much influence in Washington, and why we gave him an A+ on our 2022 scorecard,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund President Tiffany Muller.

See below for the criteria used to determine grades in the scorecard:

  • For the People Act (S. 1/S. 2093, H.R. 1): Legislation to protect the freedom to vote, end the dominance of big money in politics, and restore ethics and accountability in government.

  • Freedom to Vote Act (S. 2747): Legislation to protect the freedom to vote, end the dominance of big money in politics, and stop discrimination in voting and redistricting.

  • Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act (H.R. 5746): Legislation combining the Freedom to Vote Act and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to ensure the freedom to vote, stop discrimination in voting and redistricting, and end the dominance of big money in politics.

  • John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (S. 4, H.R. 4): Legislation to restore the full power of the Voting Rights Act and protect voters from discrimination at the ballot box.

  • DISCLOSE Act (S. 443, H.R. 1334): Legislation that will ensure voters know who is trying to influence their vote by requiring politically-active groups to disclose their largest donors who give over $10,000.

  • Protecting our Democracy Act (H.R. 5314): Legislation to prevent presidential abuses of power and restore checks and balances.

  • Democracy for All Amendment (S.J. Res. 25, H.J. Res. 1): An amendment to the Constitution to give Congress and state legislatures the power to set commonsense restrictions on big money’s influence in politics.

  • Refuses corporate PAC money: Senator or Member chooses to refuse contributions from corporate PACs for their campaign.

  • Washington, D.C. Admissions Act (S. 51, H.R. 51): Granting statehood and voting representation to Washington, D.C’s nearly 700,000 citizens.

  • Impeachment of Donald John Trump (H. Res. 24): Articles of impeachment against former President Trump for his role in inciting a violent insurrection against our government in order to overturn a free and fair election.
