Press Releases

The Billionaires Have Come Home…to the GOP

Jul 16, 2024

A host of billionaires are funneling millions of dollars into Republican campaign efforts knowing that Trump’s Project 2025 would ensure that wealthy elites get a tax cut paid for by working Americans.

“Trump’s Project 2025 promises to give billionaires and corporations mega tax cuts while raising costs for working families,” said End Citizens United President Tiffany Muller. “Now the billionaires are coming home and opening their wallets to spend tens of millions of dollars to try and buy this election. But what’s clear is that what’s good for billionaires is bad for American families.”

The billionaires who are coming home to the GOP:

  • Elon Muskthe richest person in the world, said he will commit $45 million per month to a new super PAC supporting Donald Trump
  • Paul Singer, billionaire hedge fund manager, donated $10 million to the Senate Leadership Fund and another $10 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund
  • Miriam Adelson, billionaire casino magnate, donated $10 million to the Senate Leadership Fund and $5 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund. It’s been reported that Adelson is planning to spend more than $90 million to help elect Donald Trump.
  • Ken Griffin, billionaire hedge fund manager, donated $10 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund
