Press Releases

The Billionaires’ Verdict: What’s at Stake in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP

Oct 11, 2023

Today, the court will hear arguments for Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP—a case that will determine the constitutionality of South Carolina’s racially gerrymandered congressional districts. Right-wing billionaires and their liaison Leonard Leo know that the only way to push their extreme agenda on the American public is by suppressing voters’ voices and electing politicians who will do their bidding.

“The freedom to vote is fundamental to our democracy and it shouldn’t be under the threat of a corrupt justice who refuses to recuse himself in cases that have been orchestrated by his benefactor Leonard Leo,” said Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United // Let America Vote. “Justice Thomas has continually shown that he’d rather pad his own pockets than stand up for Americans’ rights and freedoms. The decision in Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP carries the potential for dangerous implications for the entire country–not just South Carolina.”

Justice Clarence Thomas has been showered in lavish gifts and money by Leo, all of which were unreported until bombshell revelations over the summer. The dark money groups filing amicus briefs, like Judicial Watch and National Republican Redistricting Trust and Fair Lines America Foundation are funded by Leo’s shadowy network.

For a complete list of exposés detailing corruption and the justices’ financial conflicts of interests, click here.
