Press Releases

The Billionaire’s Verdict: What’s at Stake in Loper Bright and Relentless Inc.

Jan 17, 2024

The Supreme Court is currently hearing the arguments for Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless Inc. v. U.S. Department of Commerce, two cases that could drastically undermine—if not overturn the Chevron doctrine. This would strip crucial federal agencies, like the EPA, from executing laws passed by congress, and would shift the balance of power towards the unaccountable judicial branch.

Ahead of today’s oral arguments, Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund joined United for Democracy—a coalition of 130+ state and national organizations—for a rally calling on Congress to fix the broken Supreme Court.

 “The laws passed by Congress should be enforced and monitored by federal agencies composed of experts in their fields—not the judiciary, which lacks the capacity and expertise to carry out these critical functions,” said Muller. “There’s a reason big monied special interests have made reversing the Chevron deference a top priority for so long—because it would improve their bottom lines and spell disaster for the critical protections that help keep us safe.”

After being showered in lavish vacations, gifts, and cash from Leonard Leo and the Koch network, Justice Clarence Thomas has flip-flopped on his previously favorable opinion of the Chevron doctrine and questioned its constitutionality.

It’s no coincidence that Thomas is suddenly backtracking on his previous position—given the myriad dark money groups connected to Leo and the Koch network which have filed amicus briefs in support of overturning Chevron. Thomas also has direct ties to an amicus counsel looking to strike down Chevron; the counsel–one of Thomas’ former clerks–wrote an open letter attesting to Thomas’ so-called integrity in the midst of his countless ethics scandals.

For a complete list of exposés detailing corruption and financial conflicts of interests, click here.
