Press Releases

The Billionaires’ Verdict: What’s at Stake in the Upcoming SCOTUS Term

Sep 29, 2023

Earlier this week, ECU // LAV hosted press call outlining what’s at stake in the new Supreme Court term and the role of dark money on the most prominent cases 

ECU // LAV to join United for Democracy, grassroots advocates in rally outside the Supreme Court Monday

Next week marks the start of the new Supreme Court term in which a new wave of cases will make their way through the court and the justices’ decisions have the potential to impact millions of Americans’ lives. Though these cases are new to the court, they have deep ties to the billionaire donors and dark money groups that will benefit from favorable decisions.

“After countless bombshell revelations and endless scandals, we’ve only scratched the surface on how deep the corruption within the court runs,” said Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund. “Between the luxurious trips, expensive gifts, and millions of dollars pushed towards conservative justices, it’s undeniable that dark money groups have captured the court. The billionaire right-wing extremists—Leonard Leo, Paul Singer, Harlan Crow, and the Koch network—showered the justices with gifts and money and they expect a return on their investment this term. It’s imperative that justices with personal financial connections—specifically Roberts, Alito, and Thomas—recuse themselves to avoid diminishing the remaining credibility the court has left.”

Earlier this week, ECU // LAV Action Fund President Tiffany Muller hosted a press call with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, retired federal Judge Nancy Gernter, legal ethics expert Professor Richard Painter, and Stasha Rhodes of United for Democracy to discuss the ever-growing necessity for ethics standards and to also preview the court’s upcoming cases and their ties to dark money funders. For a complete list of exposés detailing corruption and financial conflicts of interests, click here.

Upcoming SCOTUS Cases and Billionaire Ties:  

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo: 

  • Leonard Leo and the Koch network—who have showered Justice Thomas in lavish gifts and money—are deeply invested in the case. All of their dark money groups have filed amicus briefs in support of overturning Chevron.

  • One of the counsels for an amicus brief has direct ties to Thomas; he wrote an open letter attesting to Thomas’ integrity in the midst of his numerous ethics scandals.

  • If overturned, it would make it more difficult for the government to make regulations, including around the environment, education, and the economy. It would change the way policy decisions are made, likely tilting the balance of power towards the unaccountable judicial branch, giving special interest groups the ability to push their extreme agenda further on the American public.

Moore v. United States: 

  • Justices Robert and Alito also stand to benefit directly from this case—they both own stock in companies that could receive billions of dollars in tax cuts, given the case could preemptively rule wealth taxes are unconstitutional.

  • A ruling striking down this tax would be a huge victory for Supreme Court billionaire benefactors—including Paul Singer who, through the Manhattan Institute he funds, has been a leading supporter of the case.

  • David Rivkin, one of the lawyers seeking to strike down the tax, has deep ties to Justices Alito and Thomas. He conducted a puff piece interview of Alito just days after the Supreme Court took up Moore. He also is the lawyer for Leonard Leo in the investigation into Leo’s connection to the Alitio and Thomas scandals—he has refused to cooperate with the Senate, taking up the same position as Alitio that the investigation is unconstitutional.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America:

  • If the Supreme Court rules against the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, it could essentially end the organization, formed to protect consumers from the predatory practices of financial institutions, benefitting vicious loan sharks.

  • Paul Singer, the billionaire who paid for Alito’s luxury Alaskan fishing trip, has a hedge fund that holds at least a $90 million stake in financial companies that would directly benefit if the Supreme Court ruled against the CFPB.

  • Singer’s hedge fund has business before the court at least 10 times, including a ruling that resulted in billions of dollars—Alito has never recused himself.

Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP: 

  • The court will decide whether South Carolina’s congressional redistricting plan constitutes an unconstitutional racial gerrymander.

  • The dark money groups filing amicus briefs, like Judicial Watch and National Republican Redistricting Trust and Fair Lines America Foundation are funded by Leo’s network.

  • By racially gerrymandering South Carolina, Leo and other conservatives can further suppress the voices of voters and ensure extremist right-wing politicians are elected.

Danco Laboratories v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine:

  • The Supreme Court may also hear an appeal to the 5th Circuit’s decision restricting access to Mifepristone.

  • James Ho, one of the judges, was sworn onto the bench by Clarence Thomas in Harlan Crow’s library. Ho’s wife has also been paid by the Alliance Defending Freedom lawyers bringing the case, who are deeply connected to Leonard Leo.

  • Alliance Defending Freedom, the lawyers for the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, have direct ties to conservative kingpin Leo. ADF has been bankrolled by the Leo funded Donors Trust. Between Leo’s direct ties to conservative justices and the legal teams, his mission to further restrict reproductive freedoms are obvious and dangerous for Americans.
