Press Releases

The Headlines: ECU / LAV Elevates Democracy and Anti-Corruption to the Forefront of Democrats’ Agenda and Campaigns

Nov 02, 2022

After spending the 2016 and 2018 cycles elevating democracy reform into the national conversation and making it the top priority for the Democratic Party, End Citizens United and Let America Vote built on those wins by leading the charge to pass reforms to protect the freedom to vote and root out corruption.

The House and Senate designated the bill H.R.1 and S.1. signifying its importance. The bill passed the House and nearly passed the Senate, but was ultimately blocked by Republicans.

As the midterms approached, ECU / LAV once again was one of the leading issue groups, working to support candidates who are committed to protecting democracy and holding accountable those who sided with extremism and corporate special interests.

Over the past two years, ECU and LAV and its four million grassroots members have continued to be at the forefront of the policy and political debate, protecting the voice and vote of Americans and delivering results.

The headlines below speak to the success of this movement.

2022 Cycle: Elevating Anti-Corruption/Democracy Message

Voting Rights and Anti-Corruption Legislation (HR. 1/S.1)

Sounding the Alarm on Democracy Subversion

Corporate Accountability
