Press Releases

The truth about Biden, the GOP, Social Security, and Medicare [Popular Information]

Feb 14, 2023

This Valentine’s Day, we wanted to remind you that Republicans are trying to break up the relationship between Americans and their hard-earned Social Security benefits. No matter how much they deny it in public, the reality is that Republicans want to gut Social Security and Medicare–that’s why 156 of them created a proposal to cut both programs. 

Popular Information: The truth about Biden, the GOP, Social Security, and Medicare

Judd Legum

Key Points:

  • The facts are unassailable: the majority of Republicans in Congress are advocating for cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

  • There are 156 members of the RSC, which is more than 70% of the entire Republican delegation. The 2023 budget proposed by the RSC, called “The Blueprint to Save America,” calls for cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

  • … it increases the retirement age by three years.

  • The RSC budget would also cut Medicare benefits by increasing the retirement age, first by “aligning Medicare’s eligibility age with the normal retirement age for Social Security and then indexing this age to life expectancy.”

  • Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), who chaired the National Republican Senatorial Committee in the 2022 cycle, released a plan that would “sunset” all programs after five years, including Social Security and Medicare. This would leave the programs vulnerable to elimination or deep cuts.

  • In June 2022, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) called for raising the retirement age and reducing benefits for some Americans.
  • … the plan was also endorsed by RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel. It also received positive reviews from Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Senator Mike Braun (R-IN), and Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL).
