Press Releases

Transplant Turmoil: Another Bad Week for the GOP’s Out-of-Touch Senate Wannabes, Part 12

May 24, 2024

Antisemitic slurs, rewriting history, and more lies

Welcome to another edition of Transplant Turmoil—the weekly series spotlighting the ways Republican carpetbaggers continue to prove themselves as out-of-touch with the state they’re running in.

“These out-of-touch, out-of-state candidates know they cannot win over the people without lying about who they are, where they’re from, or what policies they support,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote Spokesperson Grace Silva. “As much as they try to run from their past, week after week, these candidates’ lies continue to be exposed to the voters—who don’t want extremist frauds to represent them in the Senate.”

Here’s what the GOP’s out-of-touch candidates have been up to: 

#WISen: California Bank Owner Eric Hovde’s History of Using Antisemetic Slurs 

  • Hovde is under fire, once again, for his resurfaced offensive comments. Hovde was revealed to have a long history of using antisemitic slurs and spreading antisemitic conspiracies. Haaretz detailed Hovde invoking antisemitic stereotypes regarding “shysters” and his repeated promotion of the “Great Reset” conspiracy theory, noting that “the Davos crowd” are behind it. This is not the first time—nor likely the last— that Hovde has been slammed for his offensive comments. He’s previously disparaged nursing home residentsBlack womensingle parentspeople struggling with their weight, and young voters. At this point, it’s becoming a question of who hasn’t Hovde insulted.

  • After requesting an extension to delay filing his financial disclosures until after early voting begins in Wisconsin, End Citizens United and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin called on him to stop hiding his finances from Wisconsinites. The press call emphasized the importance of voters’ ability to know how Hovde made his megamillions and what he stands to gain financially in the Senate. It appears as though he’s hoping enough Wisconsinites vote for him before fully accessing his financial disclosures. The shadiness regarding his finances leaves voters wondering what exactly he is trying to hide?

  • In a new interview, Hovde continued to pander towards extremist Republicans and Trump. He dodged directly answering whether he would support an abortion ban and also slammed the bipartisan border bill—the one that the GOP supported until Trump came out in opposition of it. It’s clear—Hovde will not work for Wisconsinites in the Senate and would put partisan party lines above solutions that will benefit working families across the Badger State.

  • Questions continue to mount regarding Hovde’s stance on Social Security and the retirement age. During his last Senate run in 2012, the multimillionaire proposed raising the retirement age, which would push back Wisconsinites eligibility to receive Social Security. When asked, Hovde and his team refused to answer the question, claiming there was time later in the campaign to discuss the issues. It seems that since he doesn’t have to worry about his own finances after retiring, he can’t be bothered to offer clarification for working Wisconsinites.

#MTSen: Wannabe Cowboy Millionaire Tim Sheehy Caught in a New Lawsuit and Another Lie

  • Sheehy was hit with a lawsuit from two former employees who claim they were defrauded by the millionaire and his brother. The claims contradict the story Sheehy has been sharing on the campaign trail, where he claims that when he couldn’t pay his employees, they were given shares in the company, giving them the opportunity to become “28-year-old millionaires.” According to the lawsuit, up to seven employees claimed the Sheehy brothers executed a shell game involving the equity of three companies that they controlled. They claim that Sheehy forced them into a buyout that blocked them from receiving the funds from the sale of the company—of which Sheehy personally made $75 million from.

  • Sheehy’s inability to tell the truth is becoming a pattern for his campaign. After being exposed for lying about the details of his gunshot wound, it was uncovered that Sheehy also has been giving two different reasons for his military discharge. On the campaign trail, he’s been telling voters that he was discharged from the military for medical reasons, referencing wounds sustained during his service. But, in his autobiography—published just last year—Sheehy wrote that he became disillusioned with military personnel policies and left on his own volition. Once again, Sheehy is refusing to offer any clarity to the voters, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that there is nothing he won’t lie about.

  • This week, it was revealed that wannabe cowboy Sheehy’s ranch removed all mentions of its proximity to public lands from his website, following recent reports that his company blocked Montana hunters from public land while inviting rich out-of-staters to hunt for $12,000 a week. His ranch also refuses to participate in the popular Block Management Program; a program run by the “Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks that works with private landowners to provide free hunting access.” Sheehy is doing everything in his power to hide the fact that he wants to put a price tag on Montana land and make a pretty penny from it.

  • The New York Times covered Montana’s Senate race, the headline reading: Montana’s Senate Race Could Come Down to One Question: Do I Trust You? With Montanans across the state writing letters to their local editors raising serious concerns about Sheehy, it’s fair to say that he does have the voters’ trust.

#MISen: Florida-Man Mike Rogers Won’t Confirm if He’ll Accept Election Results

  • Rogers went full MAGA this week when he refused to answer whether he’ll accept the results from this fall’s election. When first asked in a televised interview, he attempts to dodge the question, but when asked to clarify, he claims he will only support the outcome if it’s “fair” and promises to build his own “election integrity army” before the election. Given Michigan Republicans’ history with fake electors, it’s troubling that Rogers will not commit to accepting election results.

  • The Gander put Rogers’ tenure in Congress in the spotlight this week, highlighting his terrible record on curbing the influence of Big Money in politics. Whether it was voting against the DISCLOSE Act, voting against the bipartisan McCain-Feingold bill, or voting to allow lawmakers to accept gifts from lobbyists, Rogers’ time in Congress was dedicated to giving corporate special interests and wealthy donors more access and influence over Congress. He deserves a lot of credit for the lack of ethics, transparency, and accountability in government.

#NVSen: Scam Brown Tries to Rewrite Extreme Anti-Abortion Past

  • Scam Brown is attempting to rewrite his anti-abortion history by de-emphasizing his work with the Faith and Freedom Coalition. Between his 2022 and 2024 campaigns, he led the Nevada chapter of the staunchly anti-abortion organization, which supported some of the strictest state-level restrictions. His presence has been erased from the group, outside a 2022 press release naming him the organization’s Chair. Despite his attempts to appear less extreme on his position on reproductive rights, it’s clear to Nevadans that he will do anything to work against abortions.

  • Nevadans continue to slam Brown for his stance on Yucca Mountain and his support for turning into a nuclear dumping site. Another longtime columnist for Nevada Appeal wrote, “Brown’s comments on Yucca Mountain show he has no idea what Nevadans want or need. […] Nevadans need a senator who understands what we want and need. Sam Brown fails on both points.”

#PASen: Connecticut Hedge Fund Millionaire Dave McCormick Anti-Abortion Stance on Full Display

  • After agreeing with an outrageously offensive conspiracy theory that abortion care is somehow an elaborate Democratic money laundering scheme, McCormick has been under fire this week for his previous comments on reproductive rights. McCormick can’t seem to fully make up his mind on where exactly he stands on abortion—but he knows he’s against it. In 2022, he claimed he supported banning abortions, with no exceptions. But, in recent months, and sometimes in the same interview, McCormick said he’s against banning abortion, but then said he supports banning abortion in all cases with exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the mother’s life, and that he supports banning abortions later in pregnancy. Pennsylvanians know they cannot trust this Connecticut millionaire to protect their health care.
