Press Releases

Transplant Turmoil: Another Bad Week for the GOP’s Out-of-Touch Senate Wannabes, Part 18

Jul 12, 2024

Self-enriching schemes, out-sourcing jobs, and sketchy finances

Welcome to another edition of Transplant Turmoil—the weekly series spotlighting the ways Republican carpetbaggers continue to prove themselves as out-of-touch with the state they’re running in.

“It’s clear that these wealthy carpetbaggers are more than eager to sacrifice working families to enrich themselves and their corporate profits,” said End Citizens United Spokesperson Grace Silva. “They will do anything to line their own pockets, even if it means raising prices and cutting good-paying jobs for working families. Voters know they cannot trust these out-of-touch millionaires.”

Here’s what the GOP’s out-of-touch candidates have been up to: 

#MTSen: Wannabe Cowboy Millionaire Tim Sheehy Refuses to Divest After Stepping Down from Company

  • Shady Sheehy recently announced he was stepping down as CEO from Bridger Aerospace, but is refusing to divest from the company of which he holds over $32 million in shares. If elected, he would still be in a position to enrich himself as the company stands to benefit from federal contracts. Federal contracts accounted for 88% of Bridger’s revenue last year.  Merely stepping down as CEO does nothing to eliminate the blatant conflict of interest Sheehy would face in the Senate unless he actually commits to divesting his holdings of assets. Time after time, Sheehy has proven that he is solely driven by self-interests and this half-baked ploy is just another example of refusing to commit himself to the people of Montana first.
  • Sheehy’s bad week got worse when he was exposed for previously endorsing and attempting to use Chinese drones that were built by a company that has been sanctioned by two administrations for leaking American data to the Chinese Communist Party. Sheehy personally petitioned the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to allow his company to utilize drones made by the company who admitted to complying with the Chinese government’s request to hand over data collected by its drones. Despite the data breach by Chinese technology that Sheehy claims to condemn, he continues to speak highly of them and highlighted the use of “a world class surveillance drone” on Bridger Aerospace’s website as recently as 2017. His actions are a stark contrast against his campaign stump and are just another reminder to Montanans that they cannot trust him to work in their best interests.

#WISen: California Bank Owner Eric Hovde’s Bank Accepted Hundreds of Thousands in Foreign Government Money

  • Rather than offering any clarity on Hovde’s sketchy finances, every new piece of information raises further concerns and questions on his financial conflicts of interests. A new report revealed Hovde’s California bank has consistently accepted investments from foreign banks and governments dating back to 2017. This included foreign government deposits totaling nearly $250,000 in December 2023, which coincided with Hovde’s confirmation as a Wisconsin Senate candidate. This follows Hovde’s refusal to say if he would divest his holdings from the bank and requesting a personal financial disclosure extension, allowing him to hide his financial incentives until after early voting begins in Wisconsin. If elected to the Senate without divesting, Hovde is building a pipeline for foreign governments to line his pockets while in office. The California millionaire is clearly trying to downplay his conflicts of interests and conceal the fact that he’s running for the Senate to enrich himself and his business.
  • Just when one thinks Hovde couldn’t offend yet another bloc of Wisconsinites, he somehow manages to slam a new group of voters. Hovde has long advocated for repealing the Affordable Care Act, but a recent audio clip shows him targeting young adults that benefited from the provision that allowed them to remain on their parents insurance until they turned 26—a provision Senator Tammy Baldwin authored and passed. In his rant, the millionaire calls the provision a “stupid idea,” and blames it for making young Wisconsinites “lazy.” If elected, hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites would lose critical access to health care due to Hovde’s personal beliefs and stereotypes.
  • With over four months until the election, Hovde is already planting the seeds of election denialism in voters’ minds. Following the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision to allow ballot drop boxes, Hovde immediately accused voters of planning to stuff the box with illegal ballots, a claim that builds off Trump’s Big Lie in 2020. He declared that the drop boxes in Madison must be manned “literally 24 hours a day,” but not in more conservative areas of the state. Hovde is all too eager to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters over a discredited conspiracy theory, but turn a blind eye when it potentially benefits his own campaign.

#PASen: Connecticut Hedge Fund Millionaire Dave McCormick Laid off Hundreds of Pennsylvanians as CEO

  • McCormick has long touted himself as a job creator despite his staunch antiworker beliefs. But, records prove that the hedge fund millionaire actually eliminated hundreds of jobs in Pittsburgh during his tenure as CEO of FreeMarkets, rather than growing the job market. After laying off nearly 200 employees, McCormick announced the business would spend over $4 million to build a new center in India, employing more than 100 people overseas. McCormick has previously said he “doesn’t really care” about outsourcing Pennsylvania jobs and his history clearly shows that he will always put his own pocketbook and corporate interests ahead of hardworking Pennsylvanians.
  • McCormick was exposed for investing in the biggest fentanyl producer in China during his time as CEO of his hedge fund, though he’s been attempting to pass himself off as being tough on stopping Chinese produced fentanyl. Federal tax forms revealed that Bridgewater Associates held just under $2 million in stock in Humanwell Healthcare, which produces 90% of China’s fentanyl—all while McCormick was overseeing the hedge fund. McCormick’s investments contributed to China’s financial well-being and put the health of Pennsylvania communities at risk.
  • Senator Bob Casey’s campaign launched a new television ad highlighting how the Connecticut millionaire lined his pockets by investing in China’s growth and through Chinese military companies during his time at Bridgewater Associates. Watch the new ad “Rich” here

#MISen: Florida-Man Mike Rogers Personally Profited From Connections to Saudi Arabian Companies 

  • Heartland Signal detailed Mike Rogers personally financially benefiting from his connection to several Saudi Arabian companies after leaving Congress in 2015. This includes his involvement with Telefonica and the nuclear technology company IP3 International, both of which have significant ties to Saudi Arabia. He’s held a position on the board of IP3 and has been a member for seven years of Telefonica’s Technical and Security Advisory Committee. It’s noted that IP3 “sought approval from the Trump administration to transfer nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia without adhering to a ‘gold standard’ agreement”, alarming industry executives. Heartland Signal also reported that “an internal email revealed it was alleged that former national security officials, including Rogers, were promised $1 million for each nuclear reactor sold to Saudi Arabia.” These direct ties and his alleged quid-pro-quo are highly concerning, especially as Rogers attempts to take office again.

#NVSen: Scam Brown’s Anti-LGBTQ+ History

  • Scam Brown’s anti-LGBTQ+ record is back under the spotlight after the Advocate laid out the threat Brown poses for LGBTQ+ Americans. Brown has served as president and chairman to the Nevada Faith and Freedom Coalition, an organization that vehemently opposed marriage equality, backing legislation that permits discrimination against same-sex couples under claims of religious liberty. The group that Brown aligned himself with decried President Biden signing the Respect for Marriage Actcalling it an assault on religious freedom. During his failed 2022 Senate run, Brown praised Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” legislation, describing it as necessary against “indoctrination” in schools.  He also has a long history of affiliating with anti-LGBTQ+ churches, including Las Vegas Calvary Church and Liberty Baptist Church, both churches known for their vehemently anti-LGBTQ+ doctrines. LGBTQ+ Nevadans know Brown is a danger to their individual rights and cannot be trusted to hold a Senate seat.
