Press Releases

Vice President Harris’ Pro-Democracy Record

Jul 22, 2024

Throughout her career, Vice President Kamala Harris has been a steadfast leader in defending our democracy, taking on corporate special interests, and fighting to protect and expand the right to vote. She has consistently defended the fundamental principles of our nation and protected the rights and freedoms of every American. Vice President Harris is clearly the President our country needs during these challenging times. 

Vice President Harris has fought Big Money in politics and corruption her entire career

Time and again, Vice President Harris has made clear that she will stand up to special interests and corrupt corporations for the American people. Vice President Harris has been a vocal opponent of the disastrous Citizens United decision and cosponsored the Democracy for All Amendment to overturn the decision. She also refuses to accept contributions from corporate PACs because she works for regular Americans, not corporations. 

Vice President Harris’ record as California attorney general demonstrates her commitment to fighting dark money and holding corporations accountable: 

  • She fought back against the Koch dark money networks’ efforts to hide their donors 
  • Defeated Big Oil special interests that threatened our environment
  • Held Wall Street banks accountable for their role in the financial crisis
  • Fined corporations and for-profit colleges for fraudulently ripping off working families

In the Senate, Vice President Harris led the fight to clean up Washington and get big money out of politics:

  • She received an A+ from End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund for her work fighting for our democracy
  • Cosponsored the For the People Act, the most transformative anti-corruption, pro-democracy bill since Watergate and is a strong supporter of the Freedom to Vote Act
  • Cosponsored the DISCLOSE Act to shine a light on dark money in our elections
  • Cosponsored the Fair Elections Now Act to empower small-dollar donors and open up our political system to more diverse voices and reduce the power of Big Money donors

Vice President Harris is a champion for the freedom to vote

Vice President Harris led the Biden-Harris Administration’s voting rights agenda after personally asking President Biden for the responsibility and chaired the White House’s voting rights task force that worked to promote voter access and fight back against attacks on the freedom to vote. Vice President Harris has prioritized ensuring that every American’s fundamental right to vote is protected:

  • One of the Biden-Harris Administration’s first actions was issuing an Executive Order to promote and defend the right to vote by expanding access to voter registration, combating misinformation, promoting voter participation for students, protecting election workers, and fighting voter suppression laws passed in the states. 
  • Vice President Harris continually gathered voting rights leaders to urge Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
  • Vice President Harris honored Juneteenth with the first National Day of Action on Voting, highlighting organizations working to expand the right to vote.
  • Vice President Harris spoke at a 59th anniversary celebration of Bloody Sunday in front of the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where she called on Congress to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and Freedom to Vote Act.

In the Senate, Vice President Harris was a champion of the freedom to vote and fought tirelessly to keep our elections safe and secure:

  • Cosponsored and is a strong supporter of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights to Advancement Act to protect Americans of every color from discrimination in voting;
  • Introduced the VoteSafe Act of 2020 to ensure every American could safely cast their ballot during the COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • Cosponsored the Protecting American Votes and Elections Act to ensure our elections are secure from foreign influence and cyberattacks;

Vice President Harris is the leader we need to protect our democracy

As we face the threat of convicted felon Donald Trump, who led one of the most corrupt Administrations in history and incited a violent insurrection over his election denialism, the threat facing our democracy has never been higher. That’s why it’s critical that we elect an unwavering champion of democracy and voting rights — and that is clearly Vice President Kamala Harris.
