Press Releases

Will John James Commit to Upholding the Will of the People in 2024?

Jan 06, 2023

James attacked Michigan’s elections after his 2020 defeat

Today marks two years after the deadly January 6 insurrection and the subsequent vote where 147 GOP members of Congress voted to overturn the results of the 2020 election. It also marks two years until Congress will vote to certify the 2024 election.

Voters in Michigan deserve to know if John James will commit to voting to uphold the will of the people if he is still in office.

“Congressman-Elect John James will have a clear choice if he is still in Congress: uphold the will of the people or vote to overturn the results of a free and fair election.” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote President Tiffany Muller. “With threats to our democracy continuing to be on the rise, and election deniers running for public offices, voters in Michigan deserve to know if John James will commit to certifying the 2024 election results.”

In a post-election poll of the most competitive House battleground districts, commissioned by ECU // LAV and conducted by Impact Research, voters listed “protecting democracy” (59%) as an “extremely important” reason they decided to vote in the 2022 election, followed by inflation (53%), the Dobbs v. Jackson decision (47%) and crime and public safety (45%). The poll also found that 69% of Republicans and independents who voted for a Democratic congressional candidate said that protecting democracy was “extremely important.” By a 10-point margin, voters trusted Democrats more than Republicans to “stand up to threats to democracy.” This is consistent with findings in a number of polls released prior to the election.

End Citizens United // Let America Vote is a leading anti-corruption and voting rights group. The grassroots-funded political action committee raised and spent over $80 million in the 2022 election cycle to elect pro-democracy and anti-corruption candidates and to advocate for legislation to limit the influence of big money in politics and protect the freedom to vote. ECU // LAV has more than four million members nationwide.
