Press Releases

Without Irony, Tammy Murphy is Suddenly Interested in Congressional Stock Trading

Jan 24, 2024

End Citizens United Communications Director Jonas Edwards-Jenks issued the following statement in response to Tammy Murphy’s strange attack in which she said, “without irony, Congressman Kim proudly accepted an endorsement from former Congressman Tom Malinowski”:

“In 2022, Tammy Murphy’s PAC supported Malinowski’s campaign even after he faced ethics investigations. Today, without irony, Tammy Murphy lambasted Malinowski. Also without irony, Tammy Murphy—whose investments are held in a so-called ‘blind trust’ that is managed by her brother—didn’t come out against congressional stock trading until Malinowski endorsed Andy Kim.

“It sounds like Tammy Murphy is getting scared—as she should be. Because the fact is, New Jerseyans are sick of corrupt, machine politics and energized to support someone who has been a true champion of reform since day one: Andy Kim.”
