Press Releases

Yvette Herrell Put Gun Lobby Donors Over American Lives With Vote Against Bipartisan Gun Safety Bill

Jun 27, 2022

Herrell has benefitted from over $47,000 from the gun lobby

End Citizens United // Let America Vote President Tiffany Muller released the below statement reacting to Herrell’s vote against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to curb gun violence:

“Yvette Herrell doesn’t have a spine. By voting against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, she proved once again that she is bought and paid for by wealthy and powerful gun lobbyists. At a time when communities across the country are being devastated by gun violence and families are calling for change, Herrell is more focused on pleasing the special interests that keep her in power. New Mexicans will remember her betrayal in November.”

Instead of keeping our communities safe and protecting kids from violent crime, Herrell sided with the radical gun lobby and their hundreds of millions of dollars in lobbying and political spending by voting against this bipartisan bill to keep Americans safe. Since Citizens United, big money gun groups have spent over $302 million to block widely popular, bipartisan gun violence prevention measures. The gun lobby alone has spent over $47,000 to back Herrell.
