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Transplant Turmoil: Another Bad Week for the GOP’s Out-of-Touch Senate Wannabes, Part 10

May 10, 2024

Transferring public lands, false ads, and profiting off of Chinese companies

Welcome to another edition of Transplant Turmoil—the weekly series spotlighting the ways Republican carpetbaggers continue to prove themselves as out-of-touch with the state they’re running in. 

“These wealthy carpetbaggers are finding out that there are some things money can’t buy: a grassroots campaign, support from working families, and authenticity,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote Spokesperson Grace Silva. “Everyone can see through their desperate attempts to relate to working families and aren’t falling for their antics. Come November, voters will send these out-of-state candidates packing to their home states.”

Here’s what the GOP’s out-of-touch candidates have been up to: 

#MTSen: Wannabe Cowboy Millionaire Tim Sheehy Puts Price-Tag on Public Land

  • As Montanans slam Sheehy for his calls to transfer public lands, new reporting revealed the wannabe cowboy refused to provide public access to his recently-purchased land—but was happy to charge wealthy tourists over $12,000 for luxury hunting excursions. These trips on “prime elk-hunting” land promised “private access to over 500,000 aces of National Forest.” His ranch also refuses to participate in the popular Block Management Program; a program run by the “Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks that works with private landowners to provide free hunting access.” Sheehy is ready to put a price tag on Big Sky Country and make a pretty penny from it, while blocking everyday Montanans from accessing once-public land.
  • More details have emerged about Sheehy’s staffer who repeatedly liked and posted racist and bigoted content to his social media. Despite the campaign’s claim that he is a “young field staffer,” it’s been revealed that he is actually the deputy political director for Sheehy. This is an obvious jump in his level of leadership and it’s clear the campaign was lying to downplay his role. This week, the Montana Association of Rabbis called on Sheehy to reject the antisemitism and bigotry, but Sheehy and his campaign are steadfast in refusing to answer any questions or addressing the racist language. 

#WISen: California Bank Owner Eric Hovde Wants to Strip Wisconsin Families of Health Care

  • Millionaire Hovde is, once again, calling for the Affordable Care Act to be repealed. Despite over a quarter of a million Wisconistes signing up for health insurance under the ACA in 2024, Hovde has made repealing it a cornerstone of his campaign. Even Ron Johnson was forced to walk back his calls to repeal the ACA during his campaign—but Hovde doesn’t care how many Wisconsin families would be impacted by this heinous act. 
  • A super PAC supporting Hovde was forced to pull one of their attack ads against Senator Baldwin after being exposed for lying about her record. The PAC, funded by conservative mega-donor Richard Uihlein, flat-out lied about Senator Baldwin’s record of standing up for Wisconsin seniors. The ad being pulled comes on the heels of Hovde questioning nursing home residents voting and a lawsuit for elder abuse, negligence and wrongful death in a nursing home.
  • No matter where he goes in Wisconsin or how hard he tries, Hovde cannot escape his carpetbagger status. In a campaign stop, he addressed his out-of-state candidacy, desperately trying to claim he wasn’t actually a California resident. Unfortunately for him—these statements do not change the fact that his $7 million mansion, his business, and his life are all in California. 
  • A new poll shows Senator Baldwin holding a twelve point lead against Hovde. She also leads with independent voters with the same double digit margin between her and Hovde. The difference is clear and Wisconsinites are ready to send Hovde back to the West Coast. 

#MISen: Florida-Man Mike Rogers Turns Back on American Security to Enrich Himself

  • Despite his tough-on-China talk, it was revealed this week that Rogers lined his pockets with money from Chinese companies and refused to support trade restrictions during his time in Congress. Rogers continues to collect money from a company with direct ties to one that was sanctioned by President Biden and Trump. As desperate as he is to buy himself a Senate seat, Rogers will continue to prioritize his own wallet over working Michiganders and national security. 

#PASen: Connecticut Hedge Fund Millionaire Dave McCormick Made Fortune off 2008 Financial Collapse 

  • This week, it was revealed that McCormick used his position at Treasury during the 2008 financial collapse to help Bridgewater’s founder rake in $780 million. As a reward, McCormick then went through the revolving door and was given a plum position at Bridgewater, where he became president and CEO. As he lined his and his buddies’ pockets, over 190,00 Pennsylvanians lost their jobs in 2008 and 2009. To make his fortune off the back of financial suffering of families is truly an inexcusable act, especially as he tries to relate to working Pennsylvanians.
  • In an interview, McCormick bizarrely claimed that most Pennsylvanians were divorced…which is not true at all. As of 2023, Pennsylvania was ranked as one of the states with the lowest divorce rates. There’s no shame in being divorced, but it’s certainly an odd—and easily disproven—claim to make. 

#NVSen: Scam Brown Slammed by Voters Over Yucca Mountain Stance

  • Brown is in hot water with Nevadans after he doubled down on his support of using Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste dumping site. Following his renewed support putting profits over the environment and safety, voters across the state were quick to slam him, encouraging him to “pack up and go back to Texas.” 
  • It’s no surprise that Senator Rosen continues to lead in head-to-head polling against Nevada’s Republican Senate candidates—including Scam Brown. In recent polling, Senator Brown is up eight points compared to Brown. 
