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Transplant Turmoil: Another Bad Week for the GOP’s Out-of-Touch Senate Wannabes, Part 11

May 17, 2024

Anti-abortion conspiracies, attacks on health care, and more in-party fighting

Welcome to another edition of Transplant Turmoil—the weekly series spotlighting the ways Republican carpetbaggers continue to prove themselves as out-of-touch with the state they’re running in.

“If these carpetbaggers can’t even unite Republicans, how can we expect them to represent their supposed state in the Senate?” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote Spokesperson Grace Silva. “It’s almost embarrassing to watch these out-of-touch, out-of-state candidates attempt to relate to working families. Authenticity cannot be faked and it’s clear voters are not buying their act.”

Here’s what the GOP’s out-of-touch candidates have been up to: 

#PASen: Connecticut Hedge Fund Millionaire Dave McCormick Pushes Dangerous Anti-Abortion Conspiracy Theory 

  • McCormick has somehow taken his anti-abortion stance to an even worse extreme after siding with a horrific and offensive conspiracy theory on abortion. In a radio interview, McCormick agreed with the outrageous claim that abortion access isn’t actually about protecting health care for millions of Americans, but instead an elaborate plot to cover up a Democratic money laundering scheme. With 21 states restricting abortion earlier than than the standard set by Roe, including 14 states with a ban in almost all circumstances, hundreds of thousands of women’s lives are in real danger. It’s clear Pennsylvania women—and Connecticut women, cannot trust McCormick to make decisions to protect their health.

  • If this wasn’t enough, McCormick joined anti-abortion extremists at a donor event in Mar-a-Lago last week. McCormick stood proudly on stage alongside Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, who signed one of the most extreme abortion bans in the nation, and Representatives Michael Waltz, Wesley Hunt, and Byron Donalds, who signed onto the dangerous Life at Conception Act. From the company he keeps, it’s no wonder McCormick pushes such disrespectful rhetoric about women’s reproductive rights.

#MTSen: Wannabe Cowboy Millionaire Tim Sheehy Wants to Hike up Health Care Costs for Montanans 

  • Sheehy has set his sights on dismantling affordable health care. The out-of-touch millionaire falsely claimed the Affordable Care Act, which covers an estimated 134,000 Montanans, is responsible for high premiums. He instead is pushing for a system of unregulated health insurance companies and a return to “pure privatization,” which would lead to higher health care costs particularly for women, those over the age of 55, the middle class, those with preexisting conditions, and strip insurance from the thousands enrolled under the Affordable Care Act. A repeal of the ACA would be devastating for working families—but what would a millionaire know about affordable health costs?

  • Last week, it was revealed that a pro-Sheehy super PAC has been funded by dark money from a shell company that may have violated campaign finance law. As the shell company faces a new FEC complaint, it’s blatantly obvious that while Senator Tester fights for a more transparent and accountable government, Sheehy is backed by dark money groups that are willing to keep voters in the dark and violate campaign finance laws for their own end-goal.

  • This week, the wannabe cowboy repeated the claim that he “bootstrapped” his company and it was built with “every cent of [his] savings.” But, he conveniently left out the small, little detail that he was given at least $600,000 in startup money from his dad and brother—and that his brother’s Wall Street connections helped set up the company’s first government contract. Lying about key details seems to be a trend with Sheehy…

  • In a new radio interview, Sheehy revealed he would not release any medical information to clear up the lies surrounding his gunshot wound, despite saying he “requested” the files only a month ago. His refusal to provide answers only keeps Montanans further in the dark, keeping them from the transparency voters deserve. It again begs the question: if he spends this much time trying to cover up a lie, how can Montanans trust him in office?

#WISen: California Bank Owner Eric Hovde Slammed for Comments on Wisconsinites Working Minimum Wage Jobs

  • Hovde’s views on minimum wages are being slammed after a 2017 interview resurfaced where he claimed, “minimum wage was never supposed to be a living wage.” He went on to say that these jobs were meant to “teach” employees that they shouldn’t want or work at these jobs, implying that only students should be working these lower-paying jobs. Despite the fact that the minimum wage was, in fact, created to “create a minimum standard of living,” Hovde’s comments undercut the tens of thousands of hard-working Wisconsinites who are in minimum wage jobs. It’s clear that his millionaire status has alienated him from the realities of facing working Wisconsinites.

  • This week, the LA Timesdetailed the Orange County millionaire’s attempt to buy a seat in the Senate. Hovde’s hometown paper pointed out that he’s been “pretty scarce [in Wisconsin] the past several years,” and detailed his recent comments on the elderly voting and his nursing home lawsuit. But, the LA Times was so kind as to remind him that even when he loses, “he still has that mansion awaiting him back in Laguna Beach.”

#NVSen: Scam Brown Wants You to Forget His 2022 Campaign and Avoids Campaigning in Nevada 

  • In his failed 2022 campaign, Brown advocated for eliminating several federal agencies that Nevadans depend on, like the Departments of Education and Transportation, and that he’d advocate for federal spending cuts that will “take money out of programs that people like” and promised it would “be painful.” As the Nevada Current’s Huge Jackson writes, “Brown’s answer: Pay no attention to that 2022 version of Sam Brown.”

  • Nevada Republicans and Democrats alike have agreed that Brown has been noticeably absent on the campaign trail. Despite the criticism, Scam Brown canceled an interview with a local news station—with no response when asked to reschedule—and instead…gave a softball interview to a national outlet. Given his unpopular opinions on abortion, his stance on the Yucca Mountain debate, and inability to unite the party, it makes sense why he’d avoid a chance at being held accountable to the people.

  • It doesn’t help his odds that a longtime columnist for the Nevada Appeal, wrote a scathing letter to the editor, slamming Brown’s terrible stance on using Nevada as a nuclear dumping site. He concluded the letter with, “Well, there you have it. Brown just confessed that he isn’t a real Nevadan, nor is he someone who should be representing us in the U.S. Senate,” which just about sums up Brown’s entire campaign.

#MISen: Florida-Man Mike Rogers Fails to Unite Michigan Republicans

  • Florida-Man Rodgers might be one of the most in-party contested candidates running for the Senate. This week, Sherry O’Donnell—another GOP candidate running for Michigan’s Senate seat—slammed Rogers’ lack of residency. In a new interview, she reiterated that his residency issues come up repeatedly from voters and asks “if he was for Michigan, why did he move to Florida?” This comes on the heels of an April editorial exposing the “fractured” GOP Senate Primary and of the 25 Michigan RNC delegates who signed a resolution urging Trump to rescind his endorsement. This was a separate petition from the one signed by over 1,100 Michiganders also calling on Trump to take back the nomination.
