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Transplant Turmoil: Another Bad Week for the GOP’s Out-of-Touch Senate Wannabes, Part 16

Jun 21, 2024

Anti-abortion rights, anti-worker rights, and anti-privacy rights

Welcome to another edition of Transplant Turmoil—the weekly series spotlighting the ways Republican carpetbaggers continue to prove themselves as out-of-touch with the state they’re running in.

“These untested, out-of-state candidates continue to prove that they know nothing about the people or states they’re running to represent,” said End Citizens United // Let America Vote Spokesperson Grace Silva. “Their unpopular and extremist beliefs will strip away individual rights—and voters know it. This fall, voters will reject these out-of-touch candidates who are only running to enrich themselves and to push an extremist MAGA agenda.”

Here’s what the GOP’s out-of-touch candidates have been up to: 

#NVSen: Scam Brown’s Anti-Abortion History on Full Display

  • Scam Brown was blasted this week for trying to use his wife’s abortion as the reason he’s lying about his staunch anti-abortion stance. Jezebel pointed out that Brown’s claims that he respects the state law that grants abortion access for women up to 24 weeks is misleading. During his failed 2022 Senate run, Brown supported a full ban and left the door open for a federal ban. The new report proves that Brown lied to NBC in February when he announced his sudden flip-flop and lied that it was the first time his wife shared her abortion story. In reality, she’s spoken about it at least three times before, often in opposition to reproductive freedom.

  • It’s also been revealed that Brown personally recruited and managed a campaign for a congressional candidate in Texas who believed abortion bans should have no exceptions. Sam Deen’s campaign, which Brown managed, was fraught with extreme positions. He called for the complete repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the privatization of Social Security, said the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage had “no real effect other than political grandstanding, and described himself as “100% Pro Life, no exceptions.” The fact that Brown personally recruited him to run—and then managed the failed campaign––shows where Brown stands.

  • Brown’s extreme anti-abortion stance continues to haunt him as he tries to rewrite his own history. This week, a new report revealed that Brown has ties to an extremist who compared abortion to slavery. Ralph Reed, the founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, recently said that the Republican Party was founded to eliminate sins, claiming slavery and abortion are “equally a national sin and equally morally wrong.” Brown has been trying to downplay his work with the Coalition, erasing his presence from the group despite leading the Nevada chapter between his 2022 and 2024 campaigns. Given his inconsistencies and history against reproductive rights, Nevadans know they cannot trust anything he says and that ultimately, he will work to strip abortion access even more.

#PASen: Connecticut Hedge Fund Millionaire Dave McCormick Defends Anti-Worker Stance

  • McCormick touted his anti-worker beliefs this week when he defended his hedge fund’s extreme noncompete clauses. During his time as Bridgewater Associates president and CEO, employees were forced to sign one of the most restrictive noncompete clauses,  banning them from seeking jobs in the financial industry for two years after leaving. Employees were also forced to inform the president—Millionaire McCormick—about new job opportunities and Bridgewater would let them know if they objected. These clauses are a dramatic contrast to public opinion and the Biden administration, which banned noncompetes earlier this year. If elected, there’s no doubt the Connecticut hedge fund millionaire will put his own self-enrichment and profits ahead of Pennsylvanians.

#MISen: Florida-Man Mike Rogers Threatens Privacy Rights

  • This week, Michiganders were reminded that Rogers recently worked for an organization that threatened privacy rights. From 2016 until he launched his Senate campaign in September 2023, Rogers served in various senior leadership roles at Mitre Corporation, including on the board of trustees, chair of the board and director. During his time with the organization, their work was focused on developing technology that lawyers at ACLU and other human rights groups said could infringe on personal privacy rights. In a stunning display of hypocrisy, Rogers this year slammed the FBI, claiming they disregarded personal privacy—despite his organization building technology to do just that. He will say and do anything to line his own pockets—even at the expense of the people.

#WISen: California Bank Owner Eric Hovde Demolishes One of Wisconsin’s Oldest Family Bars

  • This week, one of Wisconsin’s oldest family bars was demolished—all thanks to California Bank Owner Eric Hovde. It was the result of a decades-long war the Hovde waged against the business in an effort to redevelop the land to pad his own pockets. It also follows Hovde bemoaning the commercialization of alcohol—in a state where the alcohol industry accounts for 161,000 jobs that pay out roughly $3.2 billion in wages a year and generates $2.6 billion in tax revenue.

  • Voters across the state are ready to send Hovde back home to California. This week, a slew of letters to the editors from Wisconsinites were published in various outlets slamming Hovde’s terrible campaign. He was put back on blast for his comments against seniors voting, with one Wisconsinite writing, ​​”By the way, Mr. Hovde, I am 85 years old and live in active senior housing. Whether I live another 10 days or 10 years, I’m perfectly capable of voting and know who to vote for. It isn’t you.”

#MTSen: Wannabe Cowboy Millionaire Tim Sheehy Supports National Abortion Ban

  • With abortion officially on the ballot in Montana, it’s no surprise the extremist anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is spending big money to stump for Sheehy. The group has announced it will spend “at least $92 million to reach 10 million voters in eight states this cycle,” including Montana. SBA only endorses candidates that back a national abortion ban—including Sheehy, who has previously called abortion “murder” and refused to support federal IVF treatment protections. Montanans know that Sheehy will stop at nothing to strip away their reproductive rights.
