Press Releases

ECU Statement on Groundbreaking TIME Report on Russian Interference in 2016 Election

May 19, 2017

Report Reveals that Russia Invested Foreign Money on Social Media Ads to Influence Public Opinion

Tiffany Muller, president and executive director of End Citizens United, released the following statement on TIME’s report.

“The news that Russia used paid digital ads to influence our elections is a sign of just how vulnerable our democracy is with today’s campaign finance laws. Under our current system, loopholes the size of the Kremlin exist, and they allow entities – whether backed by Russian spies or Wall Street mega donors – to spend unlimited money, often anonymously, to influence elections.

“There has never been a better case for reform of our system, including stronger disclosure laws, to prevent undue influence – especially from foreign entities. Congress must do better. It should pass a reform agenda and instruct agencies like the FEC and FCC to prevent untraceable spending in our elections. It’s not just our elections that are at stake, it’s the integrity of our democracy and the future of our country.”

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