Press Releases

End Citizens United Praises Vice President Kamala Harris’ Focus on Pro-Democracy Legislation

Sep 09, 2024

Ahead of Tuesday’s Presidential debate, End Citizens United (ECU) President Tiffany Muller released the following statement on Vice President Kamala Harris’ recommitment to safeguarding our democracy, expanding the freedom to vote, and enshrine Supreme Court ethics reforms in the new issues page on her campaign website:

“Vice President Harris has continually proven that she understands the importance of protecting our democracy from MAGA threats—and as President, she will continue to prioritize legislation that advances the freedoms for all Americans. 

“Vice President Harris knows that in order to root out corruption and put the voices of the American people in charge in Washington, we must pass the Freedom to Vote Act. To enshrine and expand the freedom to vote to all Americans—no matter the color of their skin or where they live—we must pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. And none of our rights and freedoms are safe as long as the Supreme Court continues to operate without a real, enforceable code of ethics. 

“As Donald Trump and his cronies work to strip back access to the ballot box and threaten our very democracy, it’s more important than ever to elect a voting rights champion to the White House. We’re so proud to support Vice President Harris and look forward to doing everything we can to help her defeat Donald Trump and continue the work of protecting our democracy.”

The Harris-Walz Campaign issues page includes:


  • “Vice President Harris and Governor Walz believe many fundamental freedoms are at stake in this election. They will fight to ensure that Americans have the opportunity to participate in our democracy by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights and the Freedom to Vote Acts—laws that will enshrine voting rights protections, expand vote-by-mail and early voting, and more.”


  • “She will also support common-sense Supreme Court reforms—like requiring Justices to comply with ethics rules that other federal judges are bound by and imposing term limits—to address the crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court.”

More on Vice President Harris’ pro-democracy record: 

  • In the Senate, Vice President Harris was a champion of the freedom to vote and fought tirelessly to keep our elections safe and secure:
    • Cosponsored and is a strong supporter of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights to Advancement Act to protect Americans of every color from discrimination in voting
    • Introduced the VoteSafe Act of 2020 to ensure every American could safely cast their ballot during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • Cosponsored the Protecting American Votes and Elections Act to ensure our elections are secure from foreign influence and cyberattacks
  • In the Senate, Vice President Harris led the fight to clean up Washington and get big money out of politics:
    • She received an A+ from End Citizens United // Let America Vote Action Fund for her work fighting for our democracy
    • Cosponsored the For the People Act, the most transformative anti-corruption, pro-democracy bill since Watergate and is a strong supporter of the Freedom to Vote Act
    • Cosponsored the DISCLOSE Act to shine a light on dark money in our elections
    • Cosponsored the Fair Elections Now Act to empower small-dollar donors and open up our political system to more diverse voices and reduce the power of Big Money donors
