In the News

Meet an anti-democracy Senate candidate: Blake Masters

Oct 07, 2022

Josh Israel


(American Independent) Arizona Republican Senate nominee Blake Masters has the “complete and total” endorsement of former President Donald Trump; like Trump, he opposes legislation that would protect voting rights and supports democracy and he promotes the Trump-backed “big lie” conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was “stolen.”…Masters’ campaign is being largely financed by conservative billionaire Peter Thiel via direct donations to his campaign and to a super PAC and via fundraisers he’s hosted. Masters previously worked for two of Thiel’s companies. By contrast, Kelly voluntarily forgoes corporate political action committee donations and has pushed to ban them entirely. He has earned a 96% score, “A” rating, and reelection endorsement from End Citizens United and Let America Vote, a nonprofit organization that works to “fix our democracy by getting big money out of politics and protecting the right to vote.”