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Senior senators threaten to step up supreme court ethics reform after Samuel Alito revelations – as it hap

Jun 21, 2023

Maya Yang and Gloria Olapido

(The Guardian) The End Citizens United and Let America Vote Action Fund called Alito’s actions “shameful” and also condemned justice Clarence Thomas surrounding his own failures to disclose luxury trips provided by billionaire GOP donor Harlan Crow.

“Justice Alito’s relationship with billionaire mega-donor Paul Singer is improper and downright shameful. The mere existence of such a relationship undermines the public’s trust and confidence in the Supreme Court, but what is even more alarming is the concrete evidence proving the corruption within the ranks of the Justices.

“These scandals affirm Americans’ fears about impartiality and fairness. The fundamental question arises: Is justice truly blind, or is it simply a commodity to be bought and sold by those with deep pockets? Justices Alito and Thomas have put a price tag on it.

“These scandals should serve as a wake-up call for Congress to implement and enforce a strict code of ethics. Anything short of this will empower the extremist conservative Justices to continue to engage in this reprehensible behavior.”

End Citizen United // Let America Vote Action Fund supports two pieces of legislation that would tackle the ethics problems plaguing the court: the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act and the DISCLOSE Act. These bills will offer more transparency into the justices’ outside activities to identify any potential conflicts of interests, and accountability when they run afoul of the law.”