Press Releases

Following ECU Complaint, Molinaro Admits Guilt and Returns Illegal Money

Jul 19, 2023

In April, End Citizens United filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Congressman Marc Molinaro. The complaint centered around the illegal transfer of funds and resources from Molinaro’s statewide fundraising committee to his federal fundraising committee.

In response to reporter inquiries regarding the complaint, Molinaro decried it as a “baseless” attack.

But according to Q2 FEC reports, Molinaro admits he broke the law, and returned the $2,000 back to his state committee.

“Congressman Molinaro broke the law, got caught red-handed, and tried to sweep it under the rug. But he couldn’t escape accountability. He shamefully admitted wrongdoing in his own quarterly report and returned the illegal money,” said End Citizens United Spokesperson Bawadden Sayed. “During his short time in office, the congressman has shown a complete hostility to anti-corruption laws, which should be a major cause for concern for voters in the district. We’ll continue to hold him accountable.”

Coverage of the original complaint:

Hudson Valley 360: Complaint alleges Molinaro violated election campaign law

  • Republican U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro has been named in a complaint alleging the 19th District congressman violated election campaign law by making two transfers of $1,000 each from his State Campaign Committee to his Federal Campaign Committee in 2021 and 2022.

  • The Federal Election Campaign Act prohibits federal candidates from transferring funds or assets from their state committees to their federal committees. The Commission considers direct contributions from a federal candidate’s state committee to his federal committee to be a transfer of funds, according to the complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission on April 11 by the group End Citizens United.

Daily Freeman: Federal complaint alleges Molinaro violated campaign finance law

  • A liberal political action committee has filed a federal complaint alleging that U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro violated campaign finance law.

  • End Citizens United filed the complaint against the former Dutchess County Executive with the Federal Elections Commission. The complaint centers on what the group says was the illegal transfer of funds and resources from statewide fundraising committees to federal fundraising committees.

  • Molinaro’s campaign advisor, Dave Catalfamo, described the complaint as a partisan attack. Molinaro, R-Red Hook, represents the 19th Congressional District. “This is a baseless partisan attack from a socialist group,” Catalfamo said in a statement. “It is clearly designed to distract from Congressman Molinaro’s successful 100-Day Report, in which he announced he is fulfilling campaign promises and delivering bipartisan results.” “Bawadden Sayed and the rest of the socialist activists are free to take up their baseless complaint with the FEC,” the statement said.

The Washington Examiner: House Republicans ‘violated’ campaign finance law, PAC alleges

  • A Democratic-linked political action committee is accusing three freshman House Republicans of violating federal campaign finance law.

  • New York Reps. Anthony D’Esposito, Nick LaLota, and Marc Molinaro “appear” to have unlawfully transferred $4,000 combined between their state and federal committees, according to the left-leaning advocacy group End Citizens United, which filed three separate complaints in mid-April against the congressmen and is calling on the Federal Election Commission to launch an investigation.

  • “The law is intended to prevent corruption and undue influence over our leaders,” Tiffany Muller, president of End Citizens United, said in a statement. “These aren’t one-off mistakes; they appear to be calculated moves.”

  • Molinaro was county executive of Dutchess County, New York, between 2012 and 2023, after serving in the county’s legislature and the New York State Assembly.
