Press Releases

Let America Vote Action Fund Strongly Opposes Extreme SAVE Act Which Undermines Elections and Voting Access

Jul 09, 2024

Let America Vote Action Fund President Tiffany Muller released the following statement opposing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act) ahead of its expected vote in the House of Representatives:

“In their endless search for a problem that doesn’t exist, MAGA House Republicans are pushing an undemocratic bill that will grossly disenfranchise voters and destabilize our elections. The extreme SAVE Act would prevent millions of Americans from easily registering to vote, lead to purges of eligible voters, and criminalize simple mistakes from nonpartisan election officials.

“The right to vote is sacred to American democracy. The SAVE Act flies in the face of that principle, which is why we strongly oppose it and encourage all members of Congress to vote against it.”

For additional information on the SAVE Act, click here for section-by-section and here for the one pager from the House Committee on Administration Democrats explaining how this bill will not solve any problems American elections face such as chronic underfunding to constant violent threats against election administrators.
